Thursday, August 6, 2015

Family and Friends

I see a lot of posts on people not liking the fact that their family and friends want to get cakes for a much cheaper price than they would sell to the public. I, frankly, don't understand what the problem is. These people are FAMILY and FRIENDS. These people aren't just using you...they are your FAMILY and FRIENDS! Your supposed to help out your family and friends. It is just what I believe in and I think it is a shame that more people don't believe in it. I was made an absolutely beautiful 3 tiered cake for my wedding...all buttercream...absolutely lovely by my husbands (now ex), ex sister-in-law...that's right ex sister-in-law and she did it for FREE! Otherwise we couldn't have had a cake at our wedding because we could not afford that. I made the Elsa cake for my niece for $20, which is about what the ingredients cost me. I have no problem with that. She loved it. It was so worth it! So give your friends and family a break on your cakes and if you aren't too busy try to make them a priority...your friends and family are definitely worth it...aren't they?

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